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History of Dinajpur

Dinapur is one of the most ancient towns that originated during the rule of East India Company in the then Bangladesh. After eight years of the fall of last Nawab of Bangla, Sheeraj Ud Doula, in 1765 in the war of Palashi, this region had been conquered by the Company. With the fall of Nawab rule, the former capital of Ghoraghat also fell and hence began the rise of Dinapur town. In the pre-conquest period, the whole UttarBongo consisted Ghoraghat sirakir ruled by Nawab. Mir Karam Ali, the last muslim Foujdar of Nawab was defeated by English general Mr. Kortil. Consequently, the North region including Ghoraghat came under the rule of the East India Company. To rule the North region, the Company established a vast and permanent district in 1786 and its center was in Dinajpur mouja. According to historians, this establishment led to Dinajpur town. About 100 years later, in 1869 Dinapur Municipality was formed officially. The historians have found that Dinajpur town has celebrated her 2nd Century in 1986 (approximately) and Dinapur Municipality's 100 years in 1969. Of course, in the very beginning of rise of Dinajpur town, it was like a village-town; small with small amount of inhabitants. Comparatively, houses were few. Most of the houses were raw, semi brick-built or hut. There were few offices and those were like the same- made of clay or straw. Even the white Officials had to live in houses of straw.

However, there are several Dinajpur districts which have come into existence after two-step division. The first division occurred at the time of Partition in Bengal in 1947 between India and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan). The Indian portion was named as West Dinajpur which was later divided into and. And the Bangladeshi portion, which was the center, continued with the original name Dinajpur. In 1984, Dinajpur was divided again and gave birth to Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and Panchagarh. Parts of it was included in Rangpur and Nilphmari.

This website is about present Dinajpur district of Bangladesh.
Ghoraghat is not the Ghoraghat upazila.
East India Company was later replaced by British governance.

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