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অতিথি বহি

অতিথি বহিতে লিখুনঅতিথি বহিতে লিখুন:

Dhiman     21 আগস্ট 2008 11:02 | DPI Dinajpur
Amader notun projommo ar madha dash pream ai monovab sotti amader onak ashar alo dakhay. tader nirsartho ai desh pram onaker majha onuparona sristi korba.
Thanks to all the member of dinajpurinfo.

Riyadh     16 আগস্ট 2008 17:37 | HSTU Dinajpur
I am feeling very proud to check this revolutionary step as a very first user. I hope it would became a worldwide platform to express this region. My best greetings to the site admin for his effort... :)

অতিথি বহিতে মন্তব্যসমূহ


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অতিথি বহিতে...

nice job! ..i was surprise to see some one build an web page about..where i was born and where my family lives...
I'm very glad to visit this site..I would like to involve to you. I hope you will contact to me.

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